At the Seaside

The eastern Bulgarian coast is washed by the Black Sea. 380 km marvelous strech of sandy beaches, calm and safe sea, clear water and healthy air, fine golden sand and natural dunes, mineral water springs, blue flag winning resorts, holiday villages and campsites.
Average air temperature in the summer is about 28°C, water temperature - 25°C. There are more than 240 hours of sunshine in May and September and more than 300 hours in July and August. The two international airports of Varna and Bourgas connects the Bulgarian Riviera to the world.
Clean and calm sea with shallow sloping sandy bottom, wide beaches with fine grain golden sands, venerable forest and numerous mineral springs. All these feathures make the Black Sea coast an atractive place for Bulgarian and foreign holiday-makers.
Picturesque bays and whimsical rocks, spacious beaches with sand dunes and warm sea create the attractive force of the Bulgarian Southern Black Sea coast. Wonderful nature in combination with modern construction - this is the magic of the holiday villages of Elenite, Sunny Beach, Nessebar, Sozopol and many more.
Location and Description
Living area
Land area
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